A unique bracing of luthier’s workshop Hrus
The bracing is concealed inside the body of guitar. It is hidden to musician and audience common vision. As if it were invisible and therefore irrelevant. But the opposite is true. The ribs have a big effect on the guitar sound.
The front resonance board of the guitar has glued stiffening ribs from the reverse inner side. The character of this bracing influences acoustic resonance and also global strength of the guitar body. The master double tops with an unique ribs arise in our luthier’s workshop, which move the quality of the tone to a more refined level.
On the bottom picture, you can see outlines of some classical type of guitar bracing, which luthier maker Richard Hrus finds as outdated. Hand-build guitars from our luthier’s workshop are braced by perfected, unique system of ribs arrangement, which Richard Hrus has developed.

Torres bracing versus Hrus bracing
In the beginning of our luthier’s workshop, we used classical Torres bracing for desk top guitars. It is worthy of notice, that the spanish guitar maker Antonio de Torres Jurado (1817–1892) is the author of modern guitar construction in a classical form. In the development of the classical guitar construction Torres plays a similar role such as Italian violin maker Antonio Stradivari (1644–1737) in the development of the violin. – The vast majority of classical guitar instruments, which were built in the past 120 years anywhere in the world, Torres keeps the original structure. Till now, Torres is the originator of the most widespread inner bracing of the top resonance guitar board.
The top resonance board has exceptionally important influence what sound the guitar pruduces. Therefore, the improvement of sound qualities reaches effectively the duplication of this resonance guitar board (double top). But why do we pay such big attention to the guitar ribbing?
There is a sounding resonant hole approximately at the upper third of the guitar board. There are glued resonant ribs on the guitar board from the inner side, which support resonant board qualities and increase their mechanical strength. From the point of view of mechanical strength of the top guitar board, the key element of Torres ribbing are two cross ribs. From these cross ribs to the bottom edge, there is glued a set of fan-shaped ribs on the board from reverse side. This ribbing has its advantages and limits.
We dedicated to own development of guitar ribbing in our luthier’s workshop for many years. Our goal was to develope such ribbing, which will keep maximum positive qualities of original Torres ribbing, but which also remove its sounds and music limits. We published the results of our development for the first time in 2010. From that time, luthier’s workshop Hrus produced almost only guitars with own type of ribbing.
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